Applications Engineer


Magaldi Technologies, a subsidiary of Magaldi Power S.p.a., has a fantastic opportunity for a layout engineer focusing on the metal industries including foundries, steel mills, die casting, and primary metal suppliers. In this role, the individual's focus will be to provide applications support and technical solutions to material and metal handling challenges. To be successful, candidates should have a good understanding of all areas of plant design, especially material handling, in order to analyze the client's current situation and work with the Magaldi team to develop engineering solutions. This role is suitable for people who enjoy solving problems in the product development phase, Interfacing with Customers, and providing technical support to the production and sales department.

Position Title:  Applications Engineer
Experience:  5+ years of designing and manufacturing equipment and systems within industrial plants;  Experience in Material Handling a plus. 
Degree required: Bachelor's or higher in drafting or mechanical technology/engineering or related field.  Additional work experience instead of an advanced degree(s) shall be considered. 
CAD Capabilities: Very strong knowledge of 2D and 3D CAD drawing programs (Autocad & Inventor specifically), skills in sizing calculation and FEM analysis are a plus;
Certifications:  AutoCAD and Inventor certifications a plus
Other Software:  Be very proficient in the MS Office suite (Word, Excel, PPT, etc.), SAP, etc.
Field Measurements:  Be able to accurately and efficiently take critical field measurements when needed. 

Travel:  Average of approximately 20-30% to industrial customer sites after extensive training in Italy. 
Location:  Alpharetta, Georgia (Office environment) and customers are throughout North America. 
Language Requirements:  English. Spanish and/or Italian is considered a plus. 

Physical Limitations:  For site visits, the candidate must be able to climb ladders, wear PPE (including masks), not be afraid to get a little dirty, and pick up to 50 pounds.  A full physical, including a drug screen, will be required as part of the hiring process and will be required by some customers. 
Position: Full-Time
Compensation Target:  Based on experience
Additional Benefits:  Medical (dental, vision, healthcare) with HSA Option, 401k match, company mobile phone and other tools as needed, New class A office environment, etc.


  1. Team Player – Must be easy to be around and willing to pitch in and do what needs to be done for the company and customer.  There is no “it's not my job” in this company. 
  2. Self-motivated – This person will be given targets and expected to achieve them with only as much oversight as they need. They must do what it takes to win and are given the flexibility and trust to do so. 
  3. Creativity – This person must have a vision and help find solutions in 3D environments. 
  4. Professionalism – We sell multi-million dollar engineered systems to manufacturing companies and the candidates must be able to conduct themselves accordingly.  
  5. Positive Attitude – With everything, there are ups and downs. The candidate must be able to maintain a forward momentum throughout the project life cycle. 


  1. Provide customer layouts of Magaldi equipment, and in some cases, place Magaldi equipment within plant drawings
  2. Detail drawings, layout, bill of materials
  3. Complete mechanical design with traditional or FEM sizing
  4. Understanding of Technical Specifications and International Standards to design under internal/customer requirements
  5. Management of the relationship with the other functions and entities of the Group, in the definition of new solutions and best practices
  6. Technical reporting
  7. Commercial office support both in the USA and Italy in identifying technical and innovative solutions
  8. Perform field measurements and help guide solutions in coordination with the Italian Engineering team
  9. Help complete engineering orders for potential projects as they occur
  10. Write and proof read technical documentation as needed. 

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