95+ years of innovation & dependability

95+ years of
Innovation & Dependability

This is the story of a family of passionate innovators, problem solvers, doers, and thinkers...


The entrepreneurial history of the Magaldi family begins at the dawn of the 20th century.
Its pioneer is Emilio Magaldi who, in 1901, designed and patented a unique buffalo leather power transmission belt, called “Supercinghia”, extremely dependable and virtually indestructible.


Its revolutionary design, made from mechanically assembled buffalo leather strips, is not prone to sudden failures as was common with standard leather belts.


In 1929 Emilio’s nephew, Paolo Magaldi, starts a large-scale production of the Supercinghia, turning the craft workshop in Buccino – the family’s hometown - into a factory.
The following year, Paolo patents a technique for cutting buffalo leather skin into a single long spiral. The use of leather is maximized, and the hundreds of joints used with the previous manufacturing technique are no longer necessary, thus increasing the reliability of the belt.


On September 9th, 1931 Paolo registers the “Cinghie Magaldi” brand at the Salerno Chamber of Commerce: it is the beginning of a long adventure.


Forerunner of modern direct marketing techniques, Paolo launches communication campaigns aimed at “educating” potential customers about the competitive advantages of the Supercinghia.
In particular, the high dependability of the belt inspires the corporate motto: "Dependable technologies since 1929".


A series of amazing handmade sketches witnesses the pioneering and customer-oriented approach pursued by the visionary Paolo, who managed to gain a large market share, reaching the point of serving companies such as Breda and Ansaldo.


In the ‘50s, a change in technology causes the rapid decline of the power transmission belts.
Paolo wisely decides to look for alternative applications for the Supercinghia and soon finds a promising market in bulk material handling. Taking advantage of its greater dependability and resistance to cut and wear, the Supercinghia is transformed into a more valuable alternative to rubber belts for conveying bulk materials.


In a short time, companies like Italsider and the Magona d’Italia choose to rely on Magaldi as their technology provider.


In order to expand into new markets and further increase the life and reliability of the Supercinghia, Paolo begins experimenting with steel-plated buffalo leather belts till he reaches an epiphany: the leather strips must be replaced by a steel wire mesh belt.


The result is a conveyor able to withstand high temperatures.
In 1967, the first “conveyor belt made of a steel wire mesh with steel pans bolted on”, an ancestor of the Superbelt® steel belt conveyor, is patented.


In a few years, the Superbelt® technology becomes the biggest jewel in the crown of the Magaldi company and spreads across foundries, cement plants, steel mills, and other manufacturing plants to meet the most severe material handling applications.


On 22nd September 1972, a tragic car accident takes the life of Paolo Magaldi and his wife Maria Dolores. His death marks the end of an era but, at the same time, the beginning of the company’s transition to modernity.


With Paolo’s death, Mario Magaldi is called upon to assume the paternal heritage and take the reins of the company.
In 1985, Mario patents a system that revolutionizes the power generation industry by introducing, the first of its kind in the world, the Dry Bottom Ash Handling (DBAH) technology.
The first plant equipped with the MAC® system is ENEL Pietrafitta Power Plant in 1986.


Since then, the MAC® system has been installed in hundreds of small to very large (1,000 MWe) power plants all over the world, providing numerous benefits, not only related to its dependability and efficiency but also due to the environmental issues it solves related to water pollution problems caused by traditional wet systems.


With a strategy targeting a worldwide presence and new markets, Mario builds up an international sales network and introduces the company and its products to the global market. Under his leadership, the company develops into an export-oriented enterprise with exports representing more than 90% of the business.
In 1993, the commissioning of the MAC® system at Crystal River Power Plant in Florida sets off the recognition of Magaldi technologies on a global scale.


After North America, other foreign markets open up to Magaldi. In particular, the Japanese Kawasaki Heavy Industries (KHI) signs an exclusive license agreement - still in force - for the sale of the MAC® technology in the Land of the Rising Sun.
At the same time, other product lines based on the Superbelt® technology are developed. 


To cater to the growing importance of the export market and to enhance its global presence, Magaldi starts to establish worldwide subsidiaries as early as 2004.
The first company to be incorporated is Magaldi Power Pty Ltd, working as a hub for managing projects and customers in Australia and New Zealand.
In 2007, the German Subsidiary Magaldi Power GmbH is set up to cover the whole of the Northern European sales territory.


Since 2008, Magaldi has been represented in the Asian subcontinent by Magaldi Power India Pvt Ltd.
Incorporated in Atlanta in 2015, Magaldi Technologies LLC is the extended arm of the Group in the US and Canada, while Magaldi México S de RL de CV was incorporated in 2019 to deal with the growing volume of business in Mexico.


The Magaldi Group of Companies is now in its third generation of family ownership.
Appointed Cavaliere del Lavoro (Knight of Industry) in June 2013 for his entrepreneurial value as well as for his ethical and social commitment, Mario Magaldi leads the Group with the strong support of his wife Emma and his children Letizia, Paolo, and Raffaello, who have proven to be leaders of the future.


By wisely balancing tradition and innovation, they are preparing the Group to tackle the challenge of keeping up with a fast-changing world, creating and seizing new opportunities in ever new and challenging markets.