Designed for heavy-duty, round-the-clock performance, Magaldi foundry equipment covers virtually all applications where extreme reliability is critical.

Aluminum processing
Magaldi designed and developed fully integrated solutions for the effective handling of both cold scrap and hot shreds, to improve the smelting process under a more environmentally friendly and sustainable economic model.

Manufactured to endure the harsh conditions in the steel and metal recycling industry, Magaldi heavy-duty conveyors allow to securely and efficiently feed, weigh, and transport hard-to-handle materials.

Valued for their versatility and low-maintenance operation, Magaldi metalworking conveyors enable to maximize production times, recover by-products, and contribute to safer work environments.

In cement plants, Magaldi conveyors transport from very fine to coarse-grained bulk materials, even at high temperatures, over long distances, or across steep inclines, with excellent sealing performance and environmental compliance.

Power & Heat
Recognized as Best Available Technologies (BAT) for the reduction of the environmental risks related to ash handling and cooling, Magaldi dry systems are key to sustainable and profitable ash management.

Auxiliary equipment
Magaldi also offers auxiliary equipment designed for weighing, crushing, mixing, or cleaning a range of materials in a plurality of industries.