Magaldi Dry Ash Handling systems
Environmentally sound solutions for safe, sustainable, and profitable ash management
The growing emphasis on cleaner and more sustainable ways for power generation is pushing many plants to rethink those processes that are not “green”, including wet ash management.
Since over 40% of water requirement in traditional power plants is used in ash cooling and conveying, there is a progressive conversion from wet systems to dry ash handling solutions. This paradigm shift results in the effective mitigation of the environmental footprint and a dramatic reduction in O&M costs.
With its patented dry ash conveyor systems, Magaldi provides an environmentally sound solution for sustainable ash management, turning a costly and polluting waste into a valuable by-product.

Coal-fired power plants
With 230+ systems installed worldwide, Magaldi dry ash conveyor systems have proven to be the Best Available Technology (BAT) for performance and reliability. They embody the company's commitment to sustainability and to the development of environmentally sound solutions to mitigate the negative impact of coal-based power generation.

Waste-to-Energy plants
With the experience gained from WtE plants worldwide, Magaldi has developed a flexible solution that aims to optimize the entire chain, starting from the dry extraction of Incinerator Bottom Ash after combustion to the treatment of dry Incinerator Bottom Ash, to decrease the gaps in the circular economy. This system can be tailored to meet any plant's specific needs and requirements.

Biomass power plants
Magaldi saves biomass power plants from extended downtime and lost productivity caused by conventional wet ash handling systems.
Its patented technology for dry ash extraction from biomass grate boilers is the result of broad expertise in environmentally responsible solutions for coal and waste-based power generation.