Information on Data Processing (Art. 13 of GDPR)

Information on Data Processing (Art. 13 of GDPR)

This information is provided in compliance with art. 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of your personal data, as well as the free circulation of such data (hereinafter called, for brevity, “Regulation” or “GDPR” ) by Magaldi Power SpA, with registered office in Piazza di Pietra, 26 - 00186, Rome (RM), as data controller (hereinafter, for brevity, called “Magaldi”, “Company “ or “Data Controller”) .

This information will define the purposes and methods with which the Data Controller collects and processes your personal data as an interested party (hereinafter called “Customer”), which categories of data are being processed, as well as what your rights and how they can be exercised.

  1. Categories of data and methods of processing

The Data Controller will process your personal data collected in order to collect your level of satisfaction (the so-called Customer Satisfaction Survey, for brevity called “Questionnaire”) regarding the products purchased from the Company. In particular, the Data Controller will acquire and process the following categories of personal data:

  • personal data (name and surname);
  • other information of a personal nature, such as the work carried out and any other data voluntarily provided by the interested party.

The provision of the personal data indicated is necessary to allow your participation in the Questionnaire and to improve the quality of the products and/or services offered by Magaldi. The personal data indicated above will be processed by the Company exclusively for the purposes and within the limits indicated in the following paragraph.
It is anticipated that the Data Controller may also become aware of information belonging to particular categories of data pursuant to art. 9 of GDPR (also known as “sensitive data”), but only where these are communicated independently and voluntarily by the interested party. This information will not be processed in any way by the Owner, as it is not necessary to pursue the purposes described in this information.
The processing of your personal data will be carried out using paper methods and digital and IT tools, adopting appropriate technical and organizational measures pursuant to art. 32 of the GDPR, and observing every precaution that guarantees integrity, confidentiality and availability of the information processed and of the tools and systems used for processing. In particular, the Questionnaire will be administered through the “Google Forms” platform, in relation to which we kindly ask you to refer to the respective privacy policy.

  1. Purpose and legal basis of the processing

The processing of your personal data will be based on compliance with the principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency, protecting your privacy and your rights. The processing will take place in compliance with the principles of data minimization, purpose limitation and detention limitation, referred to in art. 5 of GDPR, i.e. acquiring and processing only the data necessary – and for only the time necessary – to achieve the following purposes:

  • customer participation in the Questionnaire aimed at acquiring information relating to your level of satisfaction with the product purchased from Magaldi, in order to allow the Owner to improve the offer of its product and/or service, as well as, if necessary, to assessment, exercise and defense of the Owner's rights in any location
  • fulfillment of obligations established by law, regulations and applicable national and European Union legislation.

In relation to these purposes, the processing of your personal data is based on the legitimate interest of the Data Controller prevailing over the interests, rights and freedoms of the interested party (art. 6, par. 1, letter f) of GDPR) and on the need to fulfill legal obligations to which the Data Controller is required (art. 6, par. 1, letter c) of the GDPR).

  1. Categories of recipients

Your personal data may be communicated, in pursuit of the purposes indicated above, to the following subjects or categories of subjects:

  • subjects in relation to whom there is an obligation to communicate, in compliance with tax and accounting regulations or orders from the competent authorities;
  • companies and suppliers that offer outsourced support services to the Owner's activities (e.g. the Company that manages the platform);
  • professionals who carry out specific activities on behalf of the Data Controller (e.g. accountants, financial and legal consultants).

The Data Controller undertakes to rely exclusively on data recipients who present adequate guarantees regarding data protection. Where these subjects do not act as independent data controllers, they are appointed by the Company as data controllers with a specific deed pursuant to art. 28 of the GDPR.
Your data may also be processed by subjects expressly designated and in charge of processing, adequately trained, who are part of the organization and who process them exclusively for the purposes referred to in the previous point.

  1. Data retention period

Your data will be processed for the time strictly necessary to achieve the aforementioned purposes, which will, depending on the case, have a duration of less than or equal to 24 months, unless the Data Controller's rights are ascertained and/or defended. In this case, the retention time may be longer.

  1. Rights of the interested party

You will be able to exercise at any time, towards the Owner, your rights provided for by the articles. 15 – 22 of GDPR. In particular, at any time, you will enjoy the following rights:

  • Access (art. 15 GDPR): right to obtain confirmation from the Data Controller as to whether or not personal data concerning you is being processed and, in this case, to obtain access to the personal data processed and to a series of other information (for example, the categories of data processed, the purposes of the processing, retention times, the existence of an automated decision-making process).
  • Rectification (art. 16 GDPR): right to have your personal data processed by the Data Controller correct and therefore, if necessary, updated.
  • Cancellation (art. 17 GDPR): right to obtain that your personal data processed by the Data Controller are deleted in certain circumstances (e.g. when the Data Controller has achieved the purpose for which such data were collected and, therefore, has no reason to keep them further).
  • Limitation of processing (art. 18 GDPR): right to obtain from the Data Controller that the processing of your personal data is limited to the occurrence of a series of hypotheses.
  • Portability (art. 20 GDPR): right to receive your personal data processed by the Data Controller in a structured format, commonly used and readable by an automatic device, as well as the right to have such data transmitted directly to another data controller, if the processing is based on consent or a contract and is carried out by automated means.
  • Opposition (art. 21 GDPR): right to object at any time, for reasons connected to your particular situation, to the processing of personal data concerning you when such processing is based on the legitimate interest of the owner (which must prevail over rights, freedoms and interests of the interested party), or is carried out in performance of a task of public interest.
  • Automated decision-making process (art. 22 GDPR): right not to be subjected to decisions based on fully automated processing of personal data (e.g. through algorithms/artificial intelligence and without human intervention), including profiling, where such decision produces effects that have a significant impact on you.

To exercise the rights listed above, the interested party must submit a written request which must be sent to Magaldi Power SpA , with registered office in Piazza di Pietra, 26 - 00186, Rome (RM) or by writing to the following address:
We also inform you that you have the right to forward reports or complaints relating to the processing of your personal data to the Guarantor for the protection of personal data.

  1. Data Protection Officer (“DPO”)

The interested party is informed that the Data Controller has appointed a DPO, who can be contacted at the following e-mail address: