TES – Fluidized sand bed thermal battery for the decarbonization of industrial processes
PUBLIC NOTICE "Aid to companies aimed at supporting and attracting investments to strengthen the production structure of the Campania Region"
PR CAMPANIA FESR 21/27 Priority 1 "Research, Innovation, Digitalization and Competitiveness" AZ. 1.1.1. And AZ. 1.3.1. - PR CAMPANIA FSE+21/27 Employment Priority O.S. D), AZ. 1.D.3; POC 14/20; PMI fund returns. DGR N. 661/2022, 157/2023, 98/2024.
The project is implemented thanks to the European Funds of the Campania Region
Beneficiary: MAGALDI POWER S.P.A.
CUP: B55H23004590007
Request: RCM-05_01079615

The project has 3 investment lines:
- LINE A – Production investment, aimed at expanding the production capacity of the Buccino (Sa) plant, thanks to new machinery and equipment and the introduction of the new plant, as well as new digitalization solutions for more efficient and optimized management of the various company processes/areas. Investments will also be made in the creation of new spaces. The company will increase its product portfolio, thanks to the realization of an innovative thermal storage system charged by electricity and able to deliver green heat for industrial processes.
- LINE B - Research and Development, to build an industrial-size thermal storage demonstrator plant, based on a fluidized bed of granular solid particles, charged by electricity from the grid or renewable energy (photovoltaic and/or wind) and able to release medium-high temperature green heat, according to the demand of the end user. The testing campaign will allow the validation of the new system operation and its integration with the production cycle of a company operating in the same Buccino industrial area.
- LINE C - Training, aimed at the specialization of Magaldi personnel with a focus on an in-depth study of issues related to the decarbonization of energy-intensive industrial processes, through the adoption of energy storage systems, in a ‘Power to Heat’ configuration and the related competitive environment, as well as the digitalization of the electricity system with a view to energy transition.