"We will multiply the patented solutions in many industrial sectors”
Paolo Magaldi, 44, is the new CEO of Magaldi Power, the world leader in the design and production of systems for handling materials at very high temperatures in the industrial sectors (metallurgical, iron and steel, metalworking, cement, energy)
Founded in 1929 in Buccino, in the province of Salerno, Italy, the Group is present today in more than 50 countries and has operational offices in the United States, Mexico, the United Arab Emirates, India, and Australia. The company has 200 employees, 50% of whom are engineers, for a total turnover of between 40 and 50 million euros. Always oriented towards innovation, the company has filed 55 international patents. Inside the Group, Magaldi Green Energy was born in 2021 and focused on the research, development, production, and marketing of innovative technologies in the sector of clean and green energy generation and storage.
Now in its third generation, the governance of Paolo Magaldi follows that of his father, the “Cavaliere del Lavoro” Mario Magaldi and his grandfather Paolo, the founder of the Group. “I am lucky - underlines Paolo Magaldi - to be led by a president and a board of directors made up of my family, Mario Magaldi, Letizia Magaldi and Raffaello Magaldi - Vice President Corporate and Business Development and Vice President Commercial and Technical Operation, today at the guide of Magaldi Green Energy – and by highly specialized Administrators and Managers. It is thanks to this unity that we are an indisputable force. In more than ninety years of history, the Group has known how to reinvent itself with dynamism more than once, completely redesigning the reference market, the product, and the organization”.
“I follow - continues Paolo Magaldi - the dream of multiplying our patented solutions in many industrial sectors and becoming an undisputed standard for those processes where our products offer the best of the available alternatives, and the path traced is the right one. Today we have become an industrial metalworking boutique that adapts its patented technologies for the mechanical transport of bulk materials to processes that require reliable solutions, in full respect of the environment”.
The Group's current product portfolio reflects the company's commitment to R&D, covering a wide range of materials (meltings, scrap metal, ashes, clinker, etc.) that can be transported efficiently and sustainably. In parallel with the creation of cutting-edge systems for handling bulk materials, Magaldi has also focused on the sector of energy production from renewable sources and the sector of energy storage through "sand batteries".
The development and implementation of these low environmental impact and high energy efficiency technologies fully fit into the corporate business model aimed at generating sustainable innovation and, more generally, at entering the global path of energy transition and decarbonization.